How it all started...
Ours is the story of more than a hundred years in the life of a church. Of small bands of “strangers in a foreign land,’ who found themselves cast upon an island, a new continent, sometimes an ocean away from their point of origin.
First Reformed Church is a gathering of immigrants, refuges, servicemen, tradesmen, farmers, teachers and artisans. What has brought each of us to Oak Harbor is different, but in coming together as a family of refuges, we find fellowship in our Savior Jesus and what he has done for us.
First Reformed Church is a gathering of immigrants, refuges, servicemen, tradesmen, farmers, teachers and artisans. What has brought each of us to Oak Harbor is different, but in coming together as a family of refuges, we find fellowship in our Savior Jesus and what he has done for us.

Expanding the vision...
FRC believes in bringing the good news of Jesus outside the doors of the church. We believe the Kingdom of God is built through the demonstration of truth with love throughout our city Oak Harbor and the world.
Where we are headed...
We as a community are on a journey to know Jesus more deeply, to love our neighbors more passionately, and understand the Scriptures more clearly. We invite you to join us in living out our lives in joyful connection with Jesus.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am.